Privacy Policy

bindaslive security summary


Thank you for using our products and services! We respect your concerns about privacy and appreciate your trust and confidence in us.


Here is a summary of the information contained in this privacy policy. This summary is meant to help you navigate the privacy policy and is not a substitute for reading everything! You can use the hyperlinks given below to directly go to particular sections.


What information do you need to provide to Bindaslive?


If you register an account to use Bindaslive we will need some information from you to set it up (for example, to set up a profile and verify your phone number). To set up your account, we will need a nickname, your mobile number, and a password. You can further refine and populate your profile with additional information.If you use the services available within Bindaslive (such as posting videos on your reel video or following official accounts), we will process the information to allow the services to operate.


How will we use your information?


We use your information to provide you with Bindaslive, to allow you to communicate with other users, and to use features of the Bindaslive open platform. We use your information to set-up an account, facilitate communications, provide support, allow you to access Bindaslive features, and to improve Bindaslivebindaslive uses the contact channels you provide, such as a mobile number or email address, to verify and protect your account and for important administrative reasons and does not use these channels for promotional or marketing reasons.


Who do we share your data with?


We do not share your information with any third parties, except where we need to provide a service (for example, use SMS service providers for account verification; for mapping services; other interest-related services For; using our partners). world will help us deliver bindaslive) or if we are instructed by any court, authority or compelled by law. We use these third party services only to process your information for the purposes described in this policy or To store. Any third party (selected by us) with whom we share User Data is required to provide the same or similar protection of User Data as described in this Policy.


Where do we process your data?


Our servers are located in India. We also have support, engineering and other teams located around the world to support the provision of Bindaslive to you. Your data can be accessed from such places. Stringent internal control measures are in place to strictly limit access to your data by designated team members.


How long will we keep your data?


The retention period for which we retain your information depends on the type of information – for example, login data is kept for 90 days from the date of collection. If you contact us to delete your Poppo account, we will delete your information within 60 days of confirming ownership of your account or receiving your request to delete your account, whichever is later.


How do I exercise my rights over my data?


Depending on where you live, you may have specific rights over your data and how we can use it. ,These include how you can access the data, erase the data, restrict how your data can be used, object to its use and get a copy of your information.


How can we notify you of changes?


If there are any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will update the policy here and notify you before the change takes effect.

Welcome to Bindaslive


Our services (Poppo mobile application, website v.Your use of the Show or any third party platform that provides Poppo (hereinafter referred to as “Poppo”) involves processing your information.


This privacy policy explains when, how and why we process information relating to you, and sets out your choices and rights in relation to this information. Read this carefully – It is important for you to understand how we collect and use your information and the controls you can take.

By using Bindaslive, you agree that we will process your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


When you use certain functions, the system will ask you to agree that we can process your information in certain ways. Learn how to control your preferences and access your information through your account. You may withdraw your consent to process certain information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.




If you do not agree to have your information processed in the manner described in this Privacy Policy, please do not provide your information and discontinue using Bindaslive upon request







bindas live application asks you for microphone permission to live stream your voice and make it audible to others in the party room…




Bindas Live takes camera permission from you so that you can go live in a live party and show your video to others